Math Competition

CyberMath Open Online Tournament

Join us on March 26 for our inaugural open online math competition! All students in high school or below are welcome to participate. There is no age requirement. Entry is completely free 🙂


1st Place Winners: $250 Amazon Gift Card and 50% Scholarship at CyberMath Summer Camps

2nd Place Winners: $150 Amazon Gift Card and 25% Scholarship at CyberMath Summer Camps

3rd Place Winners: $100 Amazon Gift Card and 15% Scholarship at CyberMath Summer Camps

4th-10th Place Winners: $50 Amazon Gift Card and 10% Scholarship at CyberMath Summer Camps


There will be two math competitions:

  • Middle School Math Competition: for students in grade 8 or below
  • High School Math Competition: for students in grade 9-12.

The questions will be administered through an online learning/LMS platform, and proctoring will take place via online video.

There will be three administrations of the test, based on geographical location:

– North/Central/South America – 2 pm EDT
– Europe/Africa – 8 am EDT
– Asia/Australia – 9 pm EDT

There will also be an invitational competition on April 2 at 11 AM EDT (time subject to change). Unlike the open tournament, this is the only time at which the exam will be offered. There will be no separate administrations for different time zones.


Open Online Tournament — March 26, 2022

The exam will last one hour, and will consist of 20 questions, approximately 2-3 of which will be multiple choice, and the rest which will require a numerical answer. Difficulty level will be approximately AMC 8-10 for the middle school competition, and AMC 10-12 for the high school competition.

Each question is worth 1 point for a correct answer. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, or partial credit for leaving a question blank.

The top 10 finishers* from each of the six time zone/division combinations will advance to the invitational competition on April 2nd!! Cutoff scores and statistics will be posted on this page following the contest. (Cutoff scores are inclusive; if you earn exactly the cutoff or above, you will qualify to take the invitational competition. For example, if the cutoff is 15/20, and you earn exactly 15/20, you will qualify.)

* This is a maximum number of invited competitors, and is subject to change depending on final enrollment numbers.

Invitational Math Tournament — April 2, 2022

There will be two phases: the Qualifying Round, and the Live Round for the top 5 students in each division from the first phase.

Qualifying Round

The contest paper will consist of 10 questions, each requiring a numerical answer, to be completed in 1 hour. Each question will be worth 1 point for a correct answer, with no penalty for incorrect answers or partial credit for leaving questions blank.

Live Round

The top (up to) 5 finishers on both of the middle school and high school contests will advance to the Live Round, in which they will be presented with 3 proof-based questions to be answered orally on the spot. Each question will be scored based on the overall correctness of the presentation, not just the final answer.

This contest will decide your final rank for awards purposes, provided you qualify. For example, if you place 10th in the open contest, then first in the invitational contest, you will place first overall and receive the $250 gift card/50% off CyberMath summer camps.

Zoom links

The following are the Zoom links for each time zone:

Both middle and high school participants should enter the same Zoom room; contest staff will direct you to the appropriate Moodle link to take the contest. Please ensure that your camera is turned on and your microphone is turned off. Please show up at least 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time (up to 30 minutes before).

LMS testing platform links

The following are the links and self-enrollment keys to enroll in the LMS courses that contain the exams. Please enroll in only one of these courses!
Middle School, America (2 PM EDT):, key: msamerica
Middle School, Europe/Africa (8 AM EDT):, key: mseurope
Middle School, Asia/Australia (9 PM EDT):, key: msasia
High School, America (2 PM EDT):, key: hsamerica
High School, Europe/Africa (8 AM EDT):, key: hseurope
High School, Asia/Australia (9 PM EDT):, key: hsasia
Once you click on the signup link, you will need to create a Moodle account, if you do not have one already. Once you’ve created an account, you can input the self-enrollment key to join the course and access the exam.

Sample Problems

Sample Problems for the Middle School Competition

Sample Problems for the High School Competition

For discussion, Group chat and Announcements..

Please visit our Discord server.

Register for the Competition

Registration is closed.